Sunday, March 25, 2018

The silence of trump is not the same as the silence from Emma Gonzalez (#3341)

     As trump is hiding out in his "castle" the rest of us are speaking about stopping gun violence through gun regulation measures. Except of course for the 6 minutes and 20 seconds of silence from school shooting survivor Emma Gonzalez that was as an emotionally charged amount of silence to actually be deafening, But not from trump. He hid away from school shooting survivors and remains silent despite his claim that he would have run toward the gunfire. This much we know from trump, his words are as hollow and cowardly as his silence.
     The days of trump are numbered now if anyone wasn't aware. Like his inaction on the day of the Women's March, his silence now reveals to any and all that he is incapable of leading the will of the American people. His only agenda is to parlay this presidency into a wealth bank for himself and his accomplices. The same with the republicans in Congress who continue to enable him without holding his feet to the fire. This chapter in American history will be the end of trump and his democracy crushing agenda and that it took the death of children to do so further drives the last nail into his well deserved coffin.
     Our young people who can vote now are engaged in a way that leaves no doubt that their votes will not go for the republican party. Our young people have also reinvigorated our older populations with a sense of duty to our democracy that again disfavors the republican party. I have been a broken record on the subject of the coming blue wave election in November and what yesterday showed us is that that blue wave is going to be an onslaught aimed specifically at crushing the republican party. The republican party and trump have ignored our pleas for sensible help for the many of us and in return we will have no mercy on them in the voting booth!

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