Monday, March 5, 2018

Don't mess with our democracy trump! (#3321)

     The arrogance of trump to suggest that someday our democratic nation would have a president for life is the red line no one will ever cross with me. The generations of Americans who have fought and died to protect our democracy born from the overthrow of the rule of Kings and Queens is not lost on us who love our nation as more than a cash machine. The blatant arrogance and criminal suggestion that our democracy revert back to some form of monarchical or authoritarian rule is fighting words like none other. The despicable nature of trump to denigrate the memories of fallen heroes who gave all for our form of government is the lowest form of treachery that the conman trump has yet displayed.
     If it were not just another in a long line of hellish attempts by this physical coward and reprobate to remake our nation in his image it would be enough by itself to physically remove him from office in chains. Yet it is just another in a long line of disparagements that trump has from day to day heaped upon the conscience of we Americans. That trump has lowered the bar so low for how a president acts and behaves has desensitized us from the cutthroat ruthless nature he allows himself to be guided by. Well I am one democracy patriot that will never allow his actions and words to remake our nation into some falsely glorified image of himself.
     The further his presence in our power structure continues, the more likely we will feel the brunt of his lust for power. He is in the process of dismantling our government in the guise of making it more efficient but what he is actually doing is reducing government to such a small state as to have little effect in the lives of we the majority of Americans who need it most. That trump will soon have all safeguards and protections for the operation of our democracy dwindling the ease at which he can finally take it from all of us is at hand. We must not let him achieve his goal of becoming king while the rest of us sit back and let him. We have to fight and revolt as needed!

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