Wednesday, March 28, 2018

People without wisdom act like they have none (#3344)

     We are all humans and we are all in the same general existence. Yet some of us handle that reality differently than others. We see with republicans it is all about making profit wherever and whenever they can. Not necessarily legal either with trump being the easiest example to point out. But it is all around us with family and neighbors who act as if they only have what is best for themselves as a rule. These are the ones where I say they are lacking wisdom. First off let me be absolutely clear here, wealth is not wisdom. Wisdom is a combination of intelligence and compassion.  We all have the same types of trust and faith in ample amounts but those of us who put our trust and faith in our ability to see the best of humanity are much more likely to be the wise among us.
     Those who can only see that the world is here for each to take from are the ones who are unable to evolve to a higher level of consideration. They may appear wise in how they go about attaining wealth when they only show what is best about how they do it but the darker side of it is always there regardless of how they try to hide it. The disingenuousness of their examples are what makes life in our society much more difficult for those who are unaware of the difference. I like to think that as my age increases and my compassion and knowledge advance I am able to clearly see how my life and the actions I take will help mold society into a better shape. I am not here for just me I am here for my legacy as well.
     My legacy is to leave the world in a better place than when I started. I don't want to bask in glory or filthy lucre like the unwise. I don't want to steal from some so that my life can be rosy. I don't want more than I need nor the best the world has to offer. I am a simple man who appreciates that the many of us are without basic necessities so why would I want to be a hoarder of riches? If one was to say that I had a religion it would be that I am a humble man who is working to be even more humble. I am wise enough to see that life makes us do things we don't want to do. If there was one rule I would follow it is to treat others as I wish to be treated. If I am a menace to goodness then I need to be treated proportionally to that as well. Because having some wisdom gives me a conscience that in the end will rule over me with a just peacefulness.

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