Saturday, March 24, 2018

Today's young people's march (#3340)

     All across America young people will be marching in the streets today to protest the priority of guns over their personal safety. Too many young people are dying because the republican party and the gun lobby refuse to address common sense gun reform. So our young people are given only the option of protesting to try to change the narrative about their mortal safety over unlimited rights to "pack a piece". The cruel and brutish stance by republicans to brush aside concerns that young and old people have about the proliferation of guns is astonishing. Why republicans pretzel their logic to put weapons of destruction ahead of the very lives of our children is monstrous! It can only be understood in the form of value, or disvalue as it appears to be, which republicans receive in campaign contributions from the NRA and gun lobby.
     So the children of those who are not fortunate enough to be protected by wealth are at the mercy of a society that republicans are pushing to be survival of the fittest. Where we are not civilized enough to restrict danger, but instead pronote it as a nature. What a warped mindset like this will bring about is less security and more barbarity. The depth of the depravity of the republican party is now visible for all to see and that is why we are seeing the backlash against republican politicians in the many special elections since trump was installed by the archaic paternalistic electoral college. It is why we have seen the tremendous outpouring of support for the earlier women's marches and now maybe the largest march yet, the young people's march against gun violence.
     To change the narrative away from the republican agenda of survival of the fittest we must win the hearts and minds of voters who will transform their allegiances from the working middle poor class, dark and punishing agenda, promoted as necessary by the republican party and replace it with the hope of a democracy that has all of its citizens as its most precious gift. The equality that democracy endears toward all of us must be founded by those of us who will not let atrocities occur because we do nothing. Germany showed us how not to do that from the last great war. So now as we protest with our children let's remember that our democracy is greater than the trumps and the republican party and their attempts to replace it will be met with the youthful vigor our children will exemplify today.

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