Friday, March 2, 2018

Ignoring the noise of trumps (#3318)

     I don't watch cable news because the cable news tries too hard to normalize the trumps and that is a strategic failure on their part. I don't listen to anything trump says because for one thing he is about as unprepared and unintelligible as any president, yes even including bush the younger, that I have ever had to exist at the same time with. His arrogance also sieves out and grates my soul. As if I need to even say here he is in a constant state of lying in order to keep his narrative buoyant. So ignoring the actual following and listening of trumps has given me an easier time in dealing with the reality of them leading our nation down the toilet.
     Now I do get the after effect of policies and directives from all the online news sources out there that are still honest and objective. So I am up to date on the massive failures trumps have planned for we the American working middle poor class. What I do though to combat their initiatives and agenda is to focus on the positives that are happening all around us. The mobilization of our democratic base is at an amazing and still growing level. From women who have had it with republicans and trumps in particular to our children who are now getting involved in politics because their very lives depend on it. The rest of us who are seniors and people of color have already had many reasons to rebut all things trump and the republican party.
     What is the most satisfying about the building blue wave consensus is the results being shown through special elections. From here on out to the November general midterm election, there are basically weekly special elections all across America that are the harbinger of things to come for changing out republican rule by the wealthy to people rule through the democratic party. So as each week ticks off and another democrat replaces a republican the sense of the mood of our nation goes from the despair that trump brought to the determined change that we democrats are growing from the grass roots. The trumps will find out that not including the working middle poor class into their calculations as the highest priority will be them being consigned to the outside wondering how it all went wrong for them!

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