Thursday, March 29, 2018

I live for tomorrow even though I may die today (#3345)

     Nothing much changes for me as an outlook on life. For any number of reasons I know that today could be the last day of my life but I still think like a man whose life is all out in front of him. I suppose this type of thinking is what gives me such clarity and purpose. Nothing is a given especially if you are like me and speak your mind when the rot of our society pokes its head up. Yet no one doubts my authenticity nor my resolve. I am not ambiguous nor illusory. I know what goodness is and I know what badness is so you will never be confused by my intent.
     It is my hope to keep building a better life immediately around me and then by extension further out into society as a whole, while also knowing that the whirligig of a fragile life will have its way regardless of my best efforts. As an older man now I can understand my own mortality in ways that I couldn't as a younger man. I know that we are all vulnerable in our health to whatever cause and effect we have the fortune or misfortune to have been exposed to both environmentally and physically. The roaring hubris of our early lives when we were mostly invincible in our reasoning and actions has a way of coming back to us later in life with the brokenness of a whimper. Yet we do persevere regardless knowing that at any moment the light may go out forever.
     But until then the rational mind of us who cannot let the fight go is to keep up the good battle and make what we can out of what we have left. Improving on all walks of life that touch our reality is what is so purposeful today for me and I know for many like minded souls. If there is one consciousness that most all share it is our determined will to survive in life. We are not quitters nor will we fade away. I write this blog everyday as a reminder to myself that I am alive and I can still require of myself critical thought based upon comprehensive enlightenment. The universe has my record of care and although the universe may chuckle at my small attempts to contribute I, in my own mind, am at least persuaded that I am not less than insignificant.

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