Sunday, March 11, 2018

White women and white men, who vote, are killing our democracy! (#3327)

     That trump got his votes, 52% of white women and 63% of white men, establishes my proof that we whites are the ones who are killing our democracy, For some reason we voted for the worst of human beings running for president and that he was white now seems to be the reason. Because all his faults and corruptions are being ignored and he maintains his white base. It is incredible to me that my fellow whites are as ignorant as the day is long. But it isn't just ignorance it is intentional hatred for those who are not white. The shame I feel at being white is as deep and as emotional as can be. I will never understand how a supposed advantaged race of beings like we whites like to think of ourselves could be so callous and uncaring for other human beings.
     It is the lowest of pettiness and the filth of hatred that is now our legacy. The enlightened among us whites are not enough to overcome the depravity of the majority of whites that still to this day honor trump and his republican enablers. Yet we whites who are not depraved and less human than our actual abilities continue to persevere against our fellow whites who would lead us all to a life of illusion and despair. The rising of the non white voting block will have to be a major part in the reversing of the white pathway to intolerance. I am white but consider myself just a color of skin within the panoramic scale of color of skin. Just another person on this planet trying to live a democratic life that honors all who want just the same.
     I can only hope that the fever of we white people who somehow think we are better than non white people will break and a new consensus of equality can emerge. But as of today we don't have that so the fight to win over the majority of every political body continues. I hate that I am part of the white race who enables trump. That trump and his minions are still in power grates at my soul and takes what could be better about my life and makes it worse. But that is my experience and that others have a much tougher road to hoe is a fact and gives me even more reason to destroy that which trump and white people have allowed him to do. This is a stain on our democracy what white people have done and there will be a reckoning coming to those whites who continue to kneel at the foot of trump!

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