Friday, March 16, 2018

The legacy of trump? RACISM! (#3332)

     I am constantly reminded that with the trumps there is only one message they hear and hear with gusto and that is disparaging people of color or creed. It never ends with them as that is where the sun rises and sets in their ignorant world. I don't like to be so crass but it is just so necessary to be very clear on this. It doesn't matter what message a person of color or different than white ethnicity has to say, it always comes back to who is delivering the message and not the logic or common sense of the message with these racists. Their racist hatred is so dominate in their lives that any and all civilized conversation is moot. Yet at times I do find myself inserted into their dialogue and then my anger begins to take over. I make sure they know that I know that they are racist and then I focus all my comments on proving it regardless of the message that they are permanently ignoring and I am temporarily putting aside.
     Although I do get the message when it is delivered I find that their barrage of insults cannot go without response and as such I make sure to respond. I have zero tolerance for racism and when it is in my sphere I will combat it with a ferocity. Because when I was young I was taught that thugs and idiots were not allowed to disrespect others while I was present. I have been in my share of fights and arguments over inappropriate behavior and nothing to this date has changed that. I may not be the most sophisticated at holding back my temper or of elucidating my position clearly but despite that I go in with both barrels loaded for bear.
     Because I know I am dealing with simpletons who can only use racism as their response to anything that doesn't conform to their brutish and nasty outlook on life. They want the world in their image and not in the image of all of us. I do often feel dirty though after getting into the shithole with them but their voices cannot go unchallenged when their narrative is one of hate. We all have a duty as Americans to defend and protect the ideal of our constitution and in the forming of a more perfect union we must stop attacks that undermine it. I cannot sit back in some safe harbor while the lunatics and raving haters take ground they should never even dream of having. So on it goes and until the trumps and their accomplices in the republican party are purged from our society I will continue to combat the racists with all the vigor of my anger!

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