Sunday, March 4, 2018

Big tent democrats (#3320)

     Let me explain what big tent democrats means. In some regions of the country we have candidates that are not purely democratic idealists running for office with a real chance of being elected in republican strongholds. But in the overall sense of being a democrat they are. They will caucus with us and make policy with us and vote with us. They will just be a more moderate voice. In fact they will be like the republicans of old who want to enact liberal policies but with caution. I get it that we want all progressive liberals running for office but that will not happen in conservative districts where these much more moderate democrats have a real shot at defeating the tone deaf crazies from the republican party.
     So as we move on toward the special elections and the midterm general election let us keep in mind that an overall strategy of having more democrats in power than republicans will give us control of the both the House and the Senate, and therefore the right to set the agenda. It is critical for us to have the majorities now as the unstable trump is in need of control until we can oust him however and whenever. So again, let us not cut off our heads to spite our noses. The bigger picture must be kept in mind when we are fighting to keep our democracy alive. In the battlefields of republican ideology we have to moderate our messages to fit the constituents that are in the districts where we want to change to democratic leadership. Some democrats will be for some conservative ideals and that is okay because the democrat will caucus with democrats, not republicans and that will keep republicans from maintaining control of the agenda.
     I guess I cannot say it enough that we must be accepting of all the districts in our country and mold our democratic message as needed. Here in California we are fortunate to be able to run on almost completely progressive ideals but in West Virginia the same is not true. Yet we democrats can win in the republican strongholds by tailoring our ideals to fit within the logic of how the constituents of the districts benefit from them and contrast them with this current republican hot mess. Now is the moment for the blue wave election to happen and we must encourage all our candidates to be smart and honest with their messages regardless of the imperfection with being purely progressive. A big tent implies differing viewpoints that are in end the end still within the confines of the democratic party ideal.

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