Saturday, March 17, 2018

The stench of trump is obvious (#3333)

     What is that rotting smell, is no longer the term now. We know what and where that smell is coming from and it is all coming from trump. Even some of his republican lackeys are now starting to shy away from his stench. What the rest of republicans fail to accept is that he is all for himself and although he may pretend to like them he only likes himself and his debasing traits. Their greed and avarice has somewhat tempered their ability to recognize that the smell but even they cannot deny is coming from their hero trump. The few republicans who have awakened to the genesis of the stench are now backing away from trump and are finding that there is little forgiveness for them for their earlier blind allegiance to him.
     But what happens to them is not my concern now, but what is is the residue of what the smell trump has created is doing to our nation. For all the world is watching the decaying trump work his foulness on all aspects of our government. The petty and vindictiveness of trump aimed at all who would stand up for the rule of law and the principles of democracy is abominable. The justice that needs to be meted out to trump is now well beyond anything a civilized person could fairly administer. The traitorous and immoral behavior he has expressed and acted out is beyond punishment from this mortal coil. Yet trump continues to fester and boil his brand of nasty brutish behavior while we protect his right to do it. Our democracy was never intended to be carte blanche for the vile miasma fecal matter that is trump.
     What can be done about trump is beyond my general constitutional understanding but there is no doubt whatsoever that something must be done in order to stop his madness from destroying all that we Americans have built over the last 242 years since our declaration of independence. The blatant pernicious actions by trump and his continued support by republicans is what keeps the honest out of the day and the penalty from being administered to this disgustingly failed human being who has been installed as our leader. I can write this post because of the democracy that has been given us by generations of patriots over time but my ability to do so now is without a doubt in jeopardy as the tyrant trump can only see himself as king and ultimate ruler. Take from that what you will.

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