Wednesday, March 7, 2018

We must win the midterms in order to impeach the trumps! (#3323)

     Yes a few more months of keeping trump from killing us all and then the hammer will come down on their heads. Including in the trumps is pence. He is a colluder along with the trumps to gut our democracy and give putin what russia has always wanted, an eviscerated America. The current crop of republicans in congress must also be held accountable for their discoverable association in protecting trump and thereby enabling russia. The whole of the republican party must be subjected to a Nuremberg type prosecution for all the world to see our internal treasonous actors. An example of the traitorous acts must be aired so that all over the world a much needed lesson can be learned.
     This is one area that I didn't not agree with our previous President Barack Obama who let slide the duplicitous actions of the younger bush in order to heal our nation. The let sliding was wrong and instead punishments of an exacting nature should have been meted out. Because in not doing so has further emboldened republicans to ignore the rule of law and dismantle the apparatus that was it's oversight. It is like any common logical progression, don't punish one for a bad act and they will keep acting badly until you do. I get why President Obama didn't want to air our dirty laundry but surely in hindsight he would likely agree with me here given the trumps.
     So when the November midterms come around and we democrats are able to take control of the house and senate then and only then can we begin to impeach the current occupants of Pennsylvania Avenue. Because the line of succession after trump and pence are impeached is the new democratic speaker of the house. It will take a simple majority to impeach in the house, meaning just 218 congress persons voting to impeach and then in the senate 67 senators must vote to convict to make trump and pence no longer president and vice president, It may not be as unlikely as the process may seem because if the evidence of russian collusion is proved, the republicans needed in the senate may not be hard to get to vote with us as they won't want to be branded as the ones who protected a proven traitor.

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