Monday, March 26, 2018

Protests do matter! (#3342)

     The cynics are already out saying that the protests this weekend were a waste of time and accomplished nothing. I can understand their logic since the protests do not change existing law or forward any legislation. However, what the cynics don't or won't understand is that the protests are an emotional and logical shift from the status quo toward demanding change with an accountability expected. That protests are meaningless is ludicrous. For one it allows for the many of us to display our desires for change and for another it shows our resolve in action. Let that be a warning to our elected officials and ignore us at their peril. We won't wait for them to tell us that nothing will change because what they will find out is that they will be exchanged for politicians who will listen and act on our behalf.
     We didn't elect persons to be parental to us we elected them to do as we the majority desire. As long as our wishes are constitutional we expect our politicians to follow through. What the republican party is going to find out in about 6 months is that their paternal idea of society is not the vision the rest of us have. We will elect new politicians who will be accountable to us and then change will occur. But in the meantime we will continue to protest and make damn sure that the republicans who are now in power feel the wrath of we the voters in very short order. Either represent us or get out of the way because the force of our will is not going to be stopped. Ever!
     No republican talking head for some powerful entity will ever be able to counteract the effectiveness of our protests. They can ignore us and condescend to our message but when the next voting time comes their ploy to dismiss us as irrelevant like spoiled children will come back and crush them along with their lackey republican candidates for public office. A new day is dawning and it will be here in 225 days so as republicans continue to go about their business of harming the working middle poor class and ignoring our pleas for rational considerations the anger and relentless motivation they are instilling in us will only grow more powerful so that when the time comes our democratic blue wave will be a Tsunami!

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