Friday, March 30, 2018

The sniveling bully in Wisconsin flinched (#3346)

     Yesterday scott walker succumbed to the will of the courts and called the special election he should have called before taken to court. He tried to bully his constituents by not allowing them representation for nearly a year because he feared the blue wave would take the 2 open offices now. Well with his stall tactics and strong arm posturing he now has put his party in a further hole. The energy that will go into these 2 races come June will be tremendous instead of just floating under the radar. He has metaphorically poked the bear and now is running away. It would be fitting that when these 2 elections take place a dramatic shift to democrats by a large margin would be just.
     Any time an elected public official tries to subvert the constitution for his own gain, much like trump whom walker is closely allied, a retribution is required. All of our constitutions, federal and state are greater than any public official regardless of his own vanity. So now that republicans have been shown to subvert the law they need to be properly punished. Which would take a booting out of office. Make all republicans who had a hand in the denying legislative representation to citizens be included in the forthcoming wrath. The greatest right we have in our representative democracy is our representation. There cannot be any lesser reality that is acceptable.
     It warms my heart that the judicial branch in Wisconsin stood by the rule of law and not the bullying of a republican governor and republican majorities in the state legislature. It also gives me hope that the good people of Wisconsin will show their wisdom when the voting time comes. Trick me once shame on you, trick me twice shame on me. Well Wisconsin, republicans tried to trick you but the courts wouldn't let them. Punish them by voting them out. Or keep them in and the next time they trick you it won't be on them it will be on you because you should have known better. It just makes sense that anyone who would defy the constitutional right of equal representation to all citizens should never again be given the trust of the American people.

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