Monday, March 12, 2018

The republican party just keeps taking from the working middle poor class (#3328)

     Soon there won't be anything of value left that we working middle poor class folks have left that the republicans and their wealthy cohorts will want from us except our labor. Which is just where they want us. They have effectively choked off the growing middle class to a dwindling lower middle class. Soon they will have what they want, a hunger games population that is thankful just for scraps of food. We are allowing this to happen to us simply by voting for republicans. What will it take for our citizenry to wake up from the nightmare that republicans are not only visiting on us but are cementing into our future?
     I know that we democrats are building a blue wave election come November but the height of this wave will be thwarted by the despicable obfuscation republicans are currently propagandizing. They are relentless in their falsehoods and lies to the point of giving us all a headache trying to sift through to get to the truth. For me it is easy, the republican party has to go no matter what comes out of the mouths of their talking heads. I just shut out their attempt to message the narrative to their favor and stay relentless in my efforts to oust every one of them. They had their chances with me decades ago and refused to put the needs of the working middle poor class as a priority. There are no more words they can string together into sentences, coherent or otherwise, to make me ever believe that they have our backs.
     Even when republicans do something noble it is always with a catch or near election time as a deflection from their totally otherwise negative agenda. If you haven't figured it out yet then take it from me, republicans are only in politics to enrich themselves and their wealthy donors, period! But even if you don't care what I say at least check it out for yourself and imagine a world where politicians actually worked for the voter and not big corporations. So many of us would have real representation with the democratic party. No more would we be worrying about our health care, nor our retirement, nor our children's education etc... Our nation needs to recognize the needs of all of our citizens, not just the needs of the wealthy. Don't you agree?

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