Saturday, April 14, 2018

The due diligence of research because my word is my bond (#3361)

     Too many of us think we are smart enough to run the world. Too often I hear some say this and that about complex issues like they are masters and cannot understand why others are screwing things up so badly. It is remarkable that these souls who are barely high school graduates can be so confident without the backing of years of higher study. They think that information is mostly noise and their perspective about life overrules logic and common sense. So free to give their opinion on subjects that take decades of comprehensive building like it is 1+1=2. I am a learned man who appreciates the FACT that I am still just a journeyman in many areas of policy and process. Yet I do have a grip on enough of it to know that nothing is simple and nothing can have a short cut.
     When I do have a question about anything I think about what I know and then research that to see if it is correct. Only then do I go on and learn what I don't know so that my understanding of a subject is objectively increased. The old adage about measuring twice before cutting, can aptly be applied to what we allow to come out of our mouths as fact. I prefer to give those who have earned my trust some benefit of the doubt and then still check on the veracity of their claim. Why wouldn't I? If what they say is true they should appreciate that I am verifying their opinion or principle. I know when I claim something I am all for anyone double checking me so that they also can arrive at the same conclusion that I do and if at all I am wrong or not quite fully right I care to know so that I can correct any error on my part.
     But always due diligence is required especially with the resources we have at our fingertips. I spent many hours in the library growing up and became very familiar with the Dewey Decimal System. Now, I just type in the google box and off I go finding evidence one way or the other about most any subject. My word is my bond, is also an old saying that has meaning to me. I had lied before as a strategy in my younger life and learned from that that lying is a shortcut to a wrong. So I try with all my might not to lie and the only way I can do that is to be informed because my word is my bond and I cherish that as much as I cherish my rights under our American democracy to know what is right and wrong, as an example, within our political system.

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