Sunday, April 29, 2018

The importance of space exploration in the time of trump (#3376)

     The necessity of finding another planet for our human species to exist on is now more critical than ever. It isn't that our Earth is in imminent danger of being destroyed but instead it is not being protected from man made disasters under trump. The idea that man made climate change is a hoax and that pollution should be allowed are trump policies. So instead of a process we had been on to heal our planet from the toxic effects of the industrial revolution trump and republicans are now re-embracing those toxic effects as inconsequential. The republican party has colluded with trump to allow the worst of planet killing policies to go forward like there is no tomorrow for the rest of us.
     So the idea that our planet is going to be a safe harbor for our species and all the species that we interact with is now not being secured. So instead we who have any vision for our civilized future must make new opportunities become real. Those opportunities, short of ending the trump and republican reign over our planet Earth, must come from the outside and that is outer space. As our technology and innovation continues to expand so should our search for an inhabitable planet. It seems that trump and republicans are comfortable with the idea of either a religious rapture to take them from reality thus making our planet expendable or that they are just greedy thieves who only think of themselves while they are alive and the heck with everyone who comes after they are dead.
     Either way the neglect and disdain trump and republicans have for our planet is not to be left without us having another avenue to travel. Space exploration will hopefully give us that avenue. There are many planets being discovered that seem inhabitable. So finding a way to them and colonizing them is more safe than sorry when it comes to protecting our species. It would be a shame if we didn't use the intelligence we have evolved from our comprehensive understandings to keep our species in reality and not extinct. Having a back up plan is just one of the intelligent possibilities that I would expect from us because when it is all said and done, despite trump and republicans, we humans do have much more to live for and despite any nonsense about a rapture or just greed, we have more work and discovery to take from the unknown to make known.

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