Saturday, April 28, 2018

Threatening to start a nuclear war is not Nobel Peace prize worthy (#3375)

     Already trump is claiming to be the actuator of peace on the Korean peninsula. So much so that some flunky republican congressman is calling for trump to receive the Nobel Peace prize. It amazes me that a war monger like trump would all of a sudden think that he is a peace maker when all he did was threaten to kill half or more of the planet. That is not the actions of a peacemaker it is, on the contrary, the actions of a madman who is so much a bully that he doesn't care how many lives he puts in jeopardy in order to create the illusion that he isn't a coward. Then to have his acolytes reward his behavior with an award is mind numbing.
     I suppose he thinks that the ends justify the means and since he was part of the equation that somehow magically maneuvered North Korea into an agreement he is the one who made it all possible. That is the thinking of every narcissist who has ever been in a position to command. We will find out the reasons for the Korean agreement that are now not available for us to evaluate but for the trumps to claim some power over the situation is again in line with how republicans operate. They create a mess and then when it cleans up claim that it was their strategy all along. I would think that if I, a simple person with some education can see clearly how this is, that many others more learned than myself would be even more outraged at the avarice and pretense of the republican party. We all know they are craven and deceitful so why would we ever assume they are statesmen/women?
     All I know is that if somehow trump is given a Nobel Peace prize for stumbling us into near annihilation, I will be thankful for my old age and look forward to my eventual demise with little regret for not having to live longer in a reality that praises an idiot and destroys intelligence. The greatest thing in life that I admire is the intellectual comprehension we humans have evolved toward. But that no longer is our reality, when it is now that we believe that someone who lies, steals and cheats is the best we can show to represent ourselves in life!

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