Sunday, January 30, 2011

Can honor overcome greed? (#730)

This is a hypothetical example: It is all about the person and the circumstance. There are myriad excuses and reasons for doing one thing over another, but really it all comes down to the individual and the principles that are in place. The lure of something can be blinding. as well as confusing. How do we go about placing value on something that may have a different purpose than ours when we have let it go? In other words, has our value for something been sold for a price that does not reflect it's subsequent value or usage. If I have a title to something that evokes honor and I sell it to someone who chooses not to evoke honor with it but instead dishonor, what price or any do I assign to it? Do I hold onto it and disdain the offer of some riches for the sake of my honor? Or do I convince myself that the riches I receive are worth the transfer regardless of the use, since that is out of my control. Like I said there are myriad excuses and reasons for doing something. It really does come down to who I am and what value I would place on my principles. As others face dilemmas of this sort they will have to have a moment of reflection in order to decide their path. I find that having already decided which course is more important to me helps me to understand how I would react if faced with a similar circumstance. My principles must always come first if I am to be the man that I want to be. Nothing is more important than keeping the identity I most cherish for myself and no amount of persuasion will change that.  ps. Just a quick note, today marks the end of two years I have written a post for everyday. If I thought it was impossible back then well then I would have been wrong. Onward still.

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