Saturday, January 15, 2011

Our better and best natures (#715)

Here is a topic! Behavior is learned. At least behavior that accounts for calculated responses. Which is what I want to discuss. I have a set of principles I wish to live by, doing helpful things for others and myself. One of them is to trust my gut (intuition) when I see a situation where I can be a positive influence. I had one the other day that was simple enough. I was leaving the grocery store when I saw a man carrying many plastic bags. He of course was down on his luck and searching for anything on the road and in the bushes for items he could turn into cash. He looked scruffy, dirty and old. My compassion for his plight was on high. However I was at the light and I needed to turn away from him and go the other way with no other immediate option. Here is what went through my mind. I was traveling away from him and the sense of distance began to relieve me of going back and helping him with something I could give. The further I got from him the more my mind was trying to tell me that fate had not allowed me this opportunity to help him. My gut was telling me something entirely different. I was getting overwhelmed with a struggle within me. I made it past the next light and was getting closer to home when I began to look for a sign that would decide my internal struggle. A lane opened up an the left allowing for me to make a u-turn and go back to him. I knew it was the right thing to do but yet I still balked at doing it. Finally the lane remained open and I took the initiative and made the u-turn and went back to find him. He was not where I last saw him but I did find him and gave him some of my food and some money, which I have very limited amounts of, with no questions asked. He gave me a smile and a courteous "thank you". I do not always do what I should do but I am getting better at it because I keep trying to let my better and best nature out.

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