Monday, January 3, 2011

Doing right at all costs (#703)

Whenever the thought comes into my head that I know how to control a solution that involves one, or a multitude of people, I am suddenly reminded that I am not in the business of rationalizing the present or future of anyone but me. It is like a red flag suddenly appears in my minds eye, reminding me of all the past failures I have achieved trying to do the same thing on some small scale. Even if I had the greatest theory and plan to make the world a peaceful and humane place, if one person were hurt by my plan then my plan is a failure. The fact is I am not God nor is anyone else. It is not inconceivable that there are those out there who would be willing to sacrifice many just to achieve some theory of great good. In fact I am being too naive, not only is it not inconceivable it is more than likely happening now. There are those amongst us who would take the disorder and chaos of today and trade it for an illusion of stability and peace, in  most cases, regardless of the cost. I am not one of them. The thing about our civilization is that we have, over time, slowly evolved a world society that is wrestling with itself to find it's ultimate identity. it is a sort of negotiation within our lives to meld our souls to an egalitarian peace. Noble and worthy of continuing. Some are not respectful of allowing for time to accomplish this, instead they are driven by their egos into implementing some catastrophic happening for our society to reconcile peace through a multitude of human sacrifices. In other words, war raged for the peace it could bring. I am not talking about the kind of war initiated to protect from invaders, I am talking about war waged as a strategy to bring about peace under the guise of something else. A strategy where the outcome has already been determined and an acceptable amount of casualties factored in. This would be wrong, regardless of the outcome being world peace. Doing right by letting time evolve us without planning mass murder is the correct way for world peace to find it's way to us.


Anonymous said...

You mean like Iraq - right?

Man of Hope said...

Yes Iraq. But even something on a larger scale.