Friday, January 14, 2011

One of life's struggles (#714)

Have you ever felt love for another human being that was so powerful that it's sensation is a constant? I am sure most of you have. Have you ever felt this same love for another human being and that human being did not love you back? It is unrequited love and I am also sure most of you have felt this as well. It is a double edged sword in it's existence. On the one hand to have such a tremendous gift to feel for another person is magnificent. On the other hand not being able to share it is torturous. It also brings about the struggle I am referring to, a dilemma if you will. When the love is constant, how then does one move on to find someone else to share their life with? I suppose this story is as old as time itself and the simple solution is to move on and allow time and other experiences to wash away the old feeling. The problem is when the old feeling is not old but is constant and at times even more pronounced. I know the answer is to be honest with any new person whom feelings are also felt for but not on the same level as "the one". A sort of resignation and compromise toward a relationship. Certainly a level of being honest in such a relationship is the proper thing to do. If I am not in love with someone I marry like I am in love with someone else, then the one I marry must at least be given the courtesy of knowing I have greater feelings for someone else. I am thinking that at least finding a relationship during life is better than pining all alone for the rest of my life. Or is it? It seems that for love to be true between two people it must have an honor to it. Regardless if the love is returned or not. It seems that the position I am taking is the one of living with the true unrequited love and not the compromised one. Especially since the compromised love is not the true love for the other either. I hate being alone but I hate worse settling for less than the magical. Just me!

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