Saturday, May 5, 2018

Democracy births capitalism, not the other way around (#3382)

     What the greedy republican party fails to understand is that capitalism does not exist without democracy. Unless of course democracy is abandoned for the authoritarian system China currently has with it's segregated capitalism. There in China the wealth gap is immense, with few enjoying the luxury while the vast many still scrambling to survive. Though this may currently be the status quo one can expect it to fail given the nature of our human species and the desire for democratic ideals. It is absurd that republicans now see the authoritarian system of capitalism that China formed as their model for us here in America. I and many others have been warning about the greedy wealthy here in America trying to turn our democracy into an authoritarian system of government.
     Which is why we see so many republican policies aimed at destroying our working middle class. They don't want a prosperous pathway for all to have as an avenue to success. The republican party and their greedy wealthy want to maintain their wealth and power while keeping others from having the same opportunities. I can say it here all day long and many would just ignore the idea as some conspiracy against the republican party but if anyone can maintain an objective viewpoint it isn't a stretch nor a conspiracy to say that republicans are dismantling democratic ideals. By restricting voting, undermining public education, obstructing equal rights for women, doing away with health and welfare policies, weakening union participation, denying science and logic as the formulas for our perspectives and much more.
     Notwithstanding the authoritarian Chinese experiment which can only end in chaos and upheaval, democracy is the only value system of government that can and will survive because it allows for all to participate while judging on creativity, innovation and merit. At least that is democracy in it's best form, unlike the diluted form we now have because republicans are in the process of taking our democracy away form us. Again, a vote for a republican is a vote to end democracy in America. It cannot happen overnight of course but in increments, like the last several decades have shown. Finally remember this fact. Capitalism is a subset of democracy, not the other way around since capitalism has no time for anything other than maximum profit, which is largely generated through very low wages to no wage at all ie., slave labor.

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