Tuesday, May 1, 2018

trump represents the decay of the American soul (#3378)

     No, trump isn't the decay, he is the product of it. The form that has taken shape and now, through hook and crook, leads our nation. He is exalted by those who live their lives as if their deepest darkest thoughts were real. Instead of realizing that everyone has deep dark thoughts and that they are mostly what we are not, those who realize that their ugly thoughts aren't real are the decay. They are the vocal lot who are bolstered in their bravado to claim that what is rotten to the core about them is what we all should embrace about ourselves. They cannot accept that denying our rotten thoughts any space in our lives is real. They only know that what they think is what is real.
     So here we are in our great land of democracy watching it being dismantled by those who are too weak to fight their own dirty filthy minds. Instead of putting aside any negative horrible thought they accept it and then begin to apply it to their own behavior and personalities. They become bigots, misogynists and every other crass being that their weakness brings them. Oh sure, they go to some god and ask for forgiveness hoping that what little humanity they have left is not destroyed. But that is just a mental salve on a physical wound. It is like thoughts and prayers, well intentioned for the most part but physically moot. So instead of winning the fight against the worst of our thinking they succumb to it and allow it to fester in their souls.
     So now what to do with these corruptible weaklings who cannot control themselves enough to be good decent human beings who are no different in all ways that matters than the ones they condescend toward? Call them out for being weaklings and tell them why they are because they cannot accept that deep dark thoughts are only temptations and combatting temptations is the strong response not the weak one they are currently embracing. Getting to the actual core of our problems is the only way we can find a way out of them that works for most all of us. Some of us are psychopaths and sociopaths and no matter what we try the empathy to change is not there. But most all others are able to change if they are willing to be stronger than their pitiful weaknesses.

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