Sunday, May 13, 2018

I hope we are in the eye of the hurricane (#3390)

     We democrats seem to be lulled at the moment and if it is because we are just in the eye of the storm then that is okay but if it isn't then we are losing our momentum against the republicans come November 6th. I can't tell why it is if we are losing momentum other than warm weather fatigue but if it is we need to stop it right now. The republican party has been fighting hard to get back to some form of even since they pushed their horrid right wing agenda upon us. The worst of it is done so maybe we democrats are just catching our breaths and relaxing a bit before the big fight this fall. But we cannot stop to catch our breaths. We have an advantage and we will surely lose it if we take it for granted.
     This much I have learned over my many decades of following politics, the winds can change suddenly without warning if we are not vigilant in our determination. Momentum, once lost, is difficult to recapture. Even with the women's march and the student marches we are in danger of falling back from those empowering protests to a pause that has us in some confusion. Especially since trumps and other republicans are mobilizing to neuter our support for them. We cannot let our guard down and let them accomplish once again a minority takeover over of the majority opinion. So if marching again and hitting the streets over policies that are being ignored is what it takes then that is what we must do!
     What other course of action do we have in this moment? It is our voice that is our most potent weapon and the mechanism for firing it is our feet. We must never let the trumps and republicans normalize their treasonous and democracy destroying acts because they have simply overwhelmed us with despicableness. New polling is showing a lessening of our blue wave and we cannot let that happen so we must act now and never stop acting right up until election eve if we are in any way going to reverse the current republican control. I know the weather is getting better and people are more prone to being outside doing things other than paying attention to politics but those of us who never sleep on the politics of the day are sounding the alarm that our current complacency may be the undoing of our democracy.

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