Friday, May 4, 2018

No regrets (#3381)

     I choose some time ago to eliminate those from my life who have chosen to be bigoted, misogynistic and hateful to others. The list is long and personal for me. Many family and friends have gone by the wayside because they "chose" trump like thinking over the principles of democracy. For me it was trying to figure out how to make a difference in my sphere of influence when logic and common decency failed to persuade them that equality is not just a word it is action. So what I came up with is that there really is only two things I can control. That being my time and presence. So I chose to not have them in my life. Family, friends and acquaintances were summarily "unfriended".
     This made going to family gatherings impossible since I am mostly the only one who has taken this tactic to heart. It took awhile for me to adjust to saying no to invites but after so many nos I was not with any regularity asked again. So my taking my time and presence from them seems to have been nothing to do about much since I am obviously not missed much. Which tells me another thing. I am as a family member or friend not as a priority with them as their own sense of selfishness, which is to me their  hatred, misogyny and bigotry. So I am not missing much by having them out of my life because I really didn't matter that much. So in standing by my principles of equality, fairness and justice I have not only fortified my own sense of purpose and internal harmony, I have exposed those who I had little idea were of a nature not natural to a healthy and humble mindset.
     So do I miss those who made up so much of my early life? Yes I do but not as much as I thought I would since I am a man who puts honorable acts and thoughts above the boorish and selfish. So I have no regrets foregoing my past in order to create a present and future that represents the best of what we humans can be despite any loyalty others think I should have to family and friends. There is little no compromise here and for that it is what it must be. As fortune would have it some key people in my life who are family and friends are of a like mind with me albeit they are not as harsh in their relationships as I am. That is their choice and I respect that. However for me it as simple as if you are not going to stand as an example of what we humans are best at and could be then I have no time for you. None!

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