Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Too many choose to stay in the "cave" (#3385)

     The premise examined by Socrates/Plato in the allegory of the cave is that too many of us accept what is in front of us as enough while not examining what else there might be. A sort of comforting and safe understanding despite the illusion of it all. Too many of us are not inquisitive enough to have all the senses we humans are gifted with to push beyond our knowns into the unknown. Instead they suppress these gifts in order to remain in their safe caves. We have a mind that stores information comprehensively in both short and long term memory banks. We have the ability to reason, analyze and conclude each within our mental progressions. We can smell, hear, see, touch and taste differences in all the ranges of our living spectrums.
     Yet, even though they are also physically gifted to evolve and perfect their physical nature it is only done so when it helps to confirm the preconceived notion of their illusions. Not as a tool to expand their horizons but as an anchor to keep themselves from exposing their fear of knowledge. A cowering from the reality of adaptation and bold courage is preferred to leaving behind the binkies of antiquity. So as our species struggles with our identity we fall further behind in the struggle to modernize not only our thinking but our actions as well. While we continue to hide from the majesty of our ability the rest of our environment moves forward without us. As I like to say, we humans are amazing, yet truthfully, only in potential, not in actual reality.
     Our fear holds us back from elevating our higher understandings into plans that test our courage and our inquisitiveness. Too many of us think that just being alive is enough. While the rest of us see life as the beginning of who we are and want to know and act on more than being safe from our own amazing identity. How do we teach ourselves that our curiosity and compassion are our greatest strengths and nothing less than both of them is where we each need to begin living. Anything else is hiding in the shadows of life and will only bring about an illusion that needs coddling from a species that is still struggling to find it's maturity.

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