Wednesday, May 2, 2018

We Democrats take no election off! (#3379)

     I don't care where and for what, we democrats cannot afford to be complacent about any public election. We are at a critical point in our vision for the future and if we don't at least try to win every special election going forward we will only be harming ourselves and our vision. The republican party is hell bent to destroy our democracy and there is no time for us to be anything less than angry and determined to stop them. It all starts at the local level where we need to instill our message at the grassroots and then let it grow upward toward our highest vantage points so that we democrats dominate the political landscape not only at the federal level but just as critically at the local, regional and state level.
     the 2020 census is just around the corner and for us democrats to be in position to be the ones who allocate a fair and representative redistricting we have to have our voices at all levels. So as we move into the last stages of preparing our candidates for primaries and the eventual general election we must take all that is out there for us to take. No prisoners when it comes to our scorched earth approach to kicking republicans out of office. There will be no mercy given them when it is as critical as to who is leading our nation. No public office can be safe for them even down to the dog catcher role. The republican party has shown that they cannot be trusted to carry out the American people's business without them taking from us where they enrich themselves and their cohorts.
     So it is with a steely eyed resolve that we democrats must maintain in order to reverse the republican domination in all our politics. They are the minority here in America yet by hook and crook they have manipulated themselves into majority positions that will poison our democracy for decades to come if we do not end their brutishness. So no rest for the weary and the abused. We have to fight with all we have at every step in order to combat republicans and thrust ourselves above them as the true representatives of the American people. We have less than 6 months now to fight as hard as possible in order to win the special elections going forward and the midterms in November.

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