Sunday, July 8, 2012

I have no tolerance for willful ignorance (#1255)

I am an Internet junkie of sorts and since I am I get to see and be involved in many different conversations on a wide variety of topics. Unfortunately, most of these discussions are not very logical. Some are and that is where I get most of my inspiration for new thoughts and new understandings. Yet these lesser and lesser fewer times of having good objective debates is troubling. It seems that a few of us have a real thirst for knowledge based in logic and many more do not. It seems that logic and objectivity are not coveted as a foundation for the reasoning process by the majority of we humans. On the contrary, we are far better able to accept talking points as our basis for understanding instead of research and a common sense approach. Generally, our intellectualism has been compromised by a laziness of mind that has no other outcome than to destabilize our past gains and destroy any proper and good future ones. We are a society that has paused to rest on the laurels of our fore parents instead of pushing forward ourselves to improve on what we have been given. Going through life in the confusing motion of ignorance is not acceptable. So instead of having another beer, wine or whiskey to temper our own failings, we would be wise to pick up a book or read an article in the paper or online and digest information instead of ingesting a numbing false sense of acceptability. I have been on both sides of this equation and having survived my ignorance I am a better man now that I am invested in the gathering of knowledge to help lead our society forward, not unlike many who have given of themselves, as the highest priority, to make the world better for others, and in the process as a side effect, making the world better for myself.

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