Thursday, July 5, 2012

The illogical morality of a punishing society (#1252)

Do we see ourselves as children who are out of control and need the stick to keep us in some kind of ethical conformity? Or do we see ourselves as maturing citizens, able to understand the logical distinctions between our choices? In the past history of our society, religion and it's preoccupation with a puritan ethic, has been the hammer that nailed us down into a pattern of behavior best described as subordinate. It was deemed necessary to control an unenlightened populace incapable of drawing the logical conclusions whose objective was to do no harm. Possibly this was an honest interpretation of society's necessary control. However, our past society is no longer relevant in correlating with today's society. We are not children in need of the stick to guide our behavior, on the contrary, we are maturing citizens in need of opportunity and the respect it offers on an equal basis. Though some would make education more difficult for all citizens, for the most part, most believe in continuing the growth and advancement of educational opportunities. This is key since if we are to be the masters of our own destinies, we need the information necessary to achieve that in a world that functions on the need to have as much knowledge as possible. Some who want less opportunity for educating our populace must think that population control through some belief system of ethical conformity, our darker past if you will, is the best way to structure society. I do find that those who do not have the best interest in the growth and maturation of our species by all, certainly do think that for themselves. A selfish, greedy outlook that has no common sacrifice or duty to what our natures are nor to what our natures can achieve. Who are we as a society? What values will we eventually reflect as a species?

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