Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Hope will always win out (#1944)

If there is only one thing I learn while I am alive it is that hope will never fail. It may not come to fruition in your desire for it but the act of hoping will never be taken from us. That is as long as we are not all turned into mindless robots. lol.  I guess I shouldn't laugh at that since there are forces out there that would prefer most of us are not allowed to think for ourselves. In the sense that I am relaying here bounds within the idea that regardless of how bad circumstances and situations get, we still have the dynamic quality of hoping for something different. It is the first step toward actually changing things toward the different and "hopefully" better. I had hit my utter bottom and saw nothing worthy of living for, except my hope, which in the end brought me back to seeing everything worthy of living for. It was hope that saved me and I have heard many others like me who had the same experience, where hope was the last straw to cling to for them as well. Every once in awhile I think about the title of my blog, Man of Hope. At the time that I created this site, I was caught up in our first African American's victory for President of the United States. It was such a proud moment for me and so many others like me who recognized that hope for our country to move past the old paradigms of racism, hatred and segregation was at the threshold. All we needed to do was pass through that open doorway and move into a new way of life. We have had trouble as a nation moving forward but we are slowing passing through that metaphorical doorway. But even deeper for me than the moment of creating this blog was the idea that hope was more than any one paradigm, it is the genesis of all paradigms if we will give it a chance to be.

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