Monday, May 5, 2014

Republicans and the Wild West (#1921)

No doubt Republicans have chosen to go back to the days of the old west where the strong take from the weak and this time, with technology and innovation serving them, they are not in jeopardy of being held to account for their actions. Wealth can buy you a lot of forgiving especially when our justice system is compromised. There are two different forms of justice here in America, the justice you can buy and then the justice that sells you out. Enough of this recklessness. The tenets of our democracy are being subverted right before our eyes and the lack of courage and honor among our citizenry to stop it has waned. We rarely get 50% of our population out to vote so how are we to manage equality and fairness when the wealthy, for the most part, don't want equality and fairness? What is even worse is that our majority citizenry are incapable of distinguishing truths from fiction. The way free speech in our constitution has been interpreted to allow for falsehoods to pass as truths will be the death of our great experiment. The current Supreme court conservative majority cannot and will not stop the carnage that the lies are doing to our nation. A simple interpretation by them would allow for lying not to be protected speech. Surely a four or six part test can be devised to distinguish the intent of both truth and lying? yet there is no mental acuity in the conservative majority on the court able to rise to the defense of our democracy. Instead the lies are allowed to continue so that the wealthy may force our country to a point where protections for all citizens are stripped and laid bare. Leaving the many vulnerable to the dishonesty and recklessness of greedy democracy saboteurs. 

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