Sunday, May 4, 2014

Republicans want no minimum wage for workers (#1920)

The silver lining here is that Republicans have finally decided to quit hiding their agenda. It is out in the open now that current Tennessee US Senator, Republican Lamar Alexander, has come out to the press that this is what he wants. We are now hearing it from other Republicans as well, Oklahoma's US Senator, Republican Tom Coburn agrees, there should be no national minimum wage. They either want to abolish the whole concept of protecting workers with a base minimum for wages or leave it up to the individual states to dictate if there should be a minimum wage protection for it's most vulnerable workers. It is clear now that Republicans are not going to help the working/middle/poor class in our struggle to combat the widening gap in income inequality. The Republican idea that the wealthy should have no restrictions to how much money they can make while reducing our government down to the size that will only accommodate a massive military force is real. That is the agenda of the Republican party and no amount of subterfuge or misinformation will change that very fact. I have dedicated my blog to warning about Republican policies that threaten and undermine the American working/middle/poor class and this post is no different then the previous ones and the ones to come. If we don't have a minimum wage to keep workers from having to fight to get a job by accepting lower and lower wages for hard, dirty jobs, then what and who will? I can envision workers having to work for less than a dollar an hour in some cases. How is it that the wealthy should have the power to make us work for practically nothing? If we don't get out and vote for Democrats this November we may well have to deal with Republicans leading our nation from the people to the wealthy.

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