Monday, November 18, 2024

(#5769) Real men want women to have equal rights!

     Apparently there is a lack of real men in America. I am sure the men who voted against women having equal rights will disagree with me but the evidence is not with them. Real men do not need to control women in order to be strong. Strength is helping to fight against injustices, not perpetuating them. A real man is someone who knows he can defend his own rights but also feels the need to help others defend their rights even if it costs them a price. Real men see the world as it is and wherever injustice exists fights to end it. What real men don't do is take advantage of others so that they themselves can benefit by it. Real men are looked upon with respect and admiration for putting themselves on hold while fighting for equal rights for all.
     It is not complex to want freedom of self for all people. It is actually very simply understood. When we all are able to pursue our own paths in life we are practicing justice through equality, freedom, and liberty. This is what democracy is, equal human rights. So when men vote to deny women the right to define their own paths it is to deny them equal rights. It is injustice and no other contrary definition can apply. There is no reason for all men not to support their mothers, who gave them birth and nurtured them into self supporting beings. There is no reason for men not to support their wives who they have vowed would be their other half. I just don't get men who deny women equal rights and then act like women should be grateful.
     Weak men want to control others and in this case the women are the others. Weak men think they are being strong but being strong does not mean ignoring or muscling tights away from women. Weak men will not allow themselves to grow into real men because they are used to being selfish and do not want to give away their unearned power. over women. Weak men walk a tightrope where they tell women they love them but at the same time treat women like their property. The problem is that women see the lie of weak men and will never give them the respect and honor they might otherwise have earned. Weak men live in an unsettled illusion where they see themselves as more than they really are. Real men never have to worry about illusions as they live in the real world where their souls are content.

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