Thursday, November 28, 2024

(#5779) Focusing on the things that make me thankful

      I had hoped that I would be much more thankful but it seems that is not happening for many of us. So instead I am being thankful for some of my family that are actually caring honest people with a sense of common good. I am thankful for democrats who in the past got us health care when there was none to be had. I spent the first half of my life with no health care which seems like an impossibility in today's society. I am thankful for social security that provides for me in my older age. I still have to work to make ends meet but the social security is the foundation upon which I build my reality. I am thankful that our society allows us to continue educating ourselves so that our perspectives can widen and deepen.
     I am thankful for my little animals that I get to have in my life. They never leave me feeling left out or unimportant. I am one who has not enjoyed his own personal family for whatever reason but my life has been one of adventure and discovery and that has been fulfilling to me. I am thankful for the part time work I get to perform and all the positive influences I may get to pass along when they are needed. I am thankful for this blog site for giving me a forum to express myself when no other option existed. I am thankful for the friends I have been fortunate to meet and keep. I am thankful for all my memories of those who are no longer with me.
     I am thankful that my mind is still soaking up information albeit not like my formative years but still absorbing anyway. I am thankful that my attitude is one of hope and optimism. I am thankful that I do like who I am despite my many faults because when I do make mistakes I admit and correct them. I am thankful that I can see the good in people without having to have them prove it. I am thankful that my smile is still my best attribute. I am thankful that I know that the best of who we are as human beings, sometimes in the face of opposing evidence, is still our manifest destiny. I guess I am thankful mostly for the hope and beauty life still brings into my life.

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