Saturday, September 3, 2022

(#4962) Yesterday's forgotten post

      Short makeup for yesterday as I completely forgot to write a post. I got busy doing my usual Saturday morning chores and spaced out the fact that I hadn't written my daily blog post. I know why and it is because when I sat down to write about a subject no subject came to mind. Sure there are lots of good subjects currently floating around us but none of them just stuck out like a sore thumb for me yesterday morning. A kind of writer's block. Yet when those situations arise I am able to push myself beyond any block and end up with a pretty good blog post.
     Well yesterday I didn't and now for the 5th time in the history of me writing a daily blog post, for more than 13 and a half years, I have missed a whole day. But like the previous 4 missed blog posts I write a makeup post the very next day. What the previously missed daily blog posts had in common with this one was some physical ailment I was feeling the day of the missing blog post. This time it was an after effect from having a particularly difficult molar pulled that had been causing me pain for more than a half year. You would think that having the tooth pulled would actually stop the pain but not in this case. It is like the there is a ghost tooth there and the gum area where the tooth was is still feeling stress and giving me pain.
     No excuses though on any of the missed blog post days that are worthy of me being forgiven for not keeping to my daily schedule. I knew when I started doing a daily blog post protocol that I was going to need to be diligent and faithful to it like I would a treasure. Well we are all human and although I try to do my best my best is obviously not sufficient. I still have another blog post to deliver this morning so I will end this here with a remorse that is real. I do feel the shortcomings of my life when they occur and will readily admit my faults and inadequacies when others make me aware or I recognize them myself.

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