Thursday, September 22, 2022

(#4981) Can't win for losing

      If we weren't losing we would be winning. It is that simple, so let us stop losing as a default and kick it into another gear and start winning. Here is how we stop losing. We vote for democrats in the upcoming elections and not just some of us but all of us! Everyone who is legally of age to vote should be voting. I don't care about excuses just results. The one thing our democracy needs from us is to participate in how we are governed. It is once every 2 years we fill out a ballot and hand it in. Real simple and very efficient especially with the ease of mail in voting.
     Then after voting we can go about our lives without a further care in the world ass to being interrupted from our own plans for our lives. That is what democracy gives us if we vote to keep it. Otherwise the alternative to democracy, unelected rule by some strongman or a group of wealthy, will fill the void. So talk about meddling into the lives of our citizenry, authoritarianism will be ordering us around constantly while restricting our rights and freedoms. So complain to me about having to vote once every 2 years so I can straighten you out on what a real complaint is all about.
     We have the perfect opportunity coming in November to crush the republican party and remove it from obstructing our protocols for solving problems. We need to settle this confusion from republicans once and for all. They need to be removed from office and then the democratic party can begin to forward policies that the majority of our nation has been clamoring for since I was a young child. The failure of republicans to represent the majority of Americans is long time evident and clearly the case. So let us start winning by not voting for the loser republicans who only want democracy to fail so that they can stay in power for the rest of infinity.

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