Sunday, September 18, 2022

(#4977) It has been awhile since we've had rain

      I went to sleep last night almost giddy about the coming rain today. I had hoped it would show up earlier and I would awaken to the sounds of rain hitting my rooftop. But no such luck and if you know me you know I get up early in the States on the west coast so as to keep up with the news from the east coast. So even my early morning hasn't yet had the sound of rain hitting the rooftop or anywhere else. I got my outside chores done as well battened down all the things outside that would be effected by rain and wind. I sit here now at my laptop in anticipation of the first drops of rain to show up.
     The weather map shows that by 8 this morning, in about 35 minutes, there is a 63% chance of rain. So really any minute now the water from the sky should happen. For me it is almost like being part of a celebration. I will be outside as soon as I hear or see raindrops. I want to do my rain dance jig before it starts coming down too hard. lol. It is funny as I get older just how much I enjoy these natural moments more than any of our man made ones. I suppose I am feeling my mortality with every sore spot or weakness that I now have. I am only 67 but believe me I have lived a pretty crazy life so even lasting this long is a bonus. Living life hard and fast when I was young was probably the right thing for me. Because I know how difficult it is to physically enjoy life now that I am older.
     So waiting for the much needed rain to show up is a real highlight for me. I know how badly we need the rain and am grateful that we are going to get some today and tomorrow. I don't take anything for granted anymore, not even rain when we as humans are so hell bent to destroy our environment in the name of economic capitalism gone amok. Yet that is the path we are on so as I draw down on the end of my days I will cherish what our planet has provided while I am alive and although I won't be around too much longer I will keep fighting to get us back the environment that I also inherited. But for today the water from the sky is my focus and feeling it on my face will be a joy for me.

1 comment:

mothernatureearthmom said...

I was awake, purely by accident, last night when it came through here. Celebratory is exactly how I felt. The weather is changing. Hopefully so are hearts and minds.