Friday, September 9, 2022

(#4968) Another 650 Russian troops killed yesterday

      This is crazy what putin is doing in Ukraine. He is letting the youth of his nation die off while he does nothing but lose more ground that he stole from Ukraine. How can the powers in the Kremlin keep letting the smug dictator putin continue to destroy the future of Russia? For what? When Crimea falls back to it's rightful owners the Ukrainians and the Donbas also comes back home to Ukraine what will all of this have cost Russia so that putin can exercise his ego? Nearly 52,000 Russian troops dead all for the lust of putin to satisfy his derangement.
     If the people in the Kremlin won't stop putin then the people of Russia must. Not only putin but all those in the Kremlin who are doing nothing to keep the youth of Russia alive. In Ukraine they are nothing more than dead young men walking and most of them know it. The morale within Russian forces in Ukraine is low and to keep alive when the Ukrainians are determined to reclaim their land the morale is critical. Yet putin and his allies in the Kremlin seem to not care about the lives of their countrymen as much as they care about the designs they have on other people's property.
     Ukraine made major advances yesterday on the long front they are contesting and the Russian troops are being liquidated at increasingly alarming rates. The days of putin thinking he could conquer Ukraine are over. Now all is left is the fighting to remove Russia from it's borders. How many more young Russian men will be used up to dust for one small minded man's ego? My guess is that the loss of Russian life is not a concern for putin and his accomplices as long as putin can pretend to be winning. The Russian people need to stop believing their fairy tale telling dictator and put an end to him killing off their children.

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