Thursday, September 29, 2022

(#4988) Democracy is not an accessory in your life, it is foundational!

      When the many of us start treating our democracy like it is precious instead of like it is disposable only then can we keep going on further perfecting it. Until then however we who are aware of how precious our democracy is must not only defend it from the carpetbaggers who want our society for their own authoritarian gain but continue to educate those who are not learned enough to understand the significance of the democracy they exist in. Two things at once but for us who are not willing to let democracy die so that grifters and cons can take it from us, two things at once is not a problem.
     Decades of obstructing progress by republicans have brought us here and although a lot of us have been warning of this moment not enough of us have taken up the cause to prevent it. There is still time to prevent it but it must happen on November 8th of this year. If we democrats cannot keep our will to fight tooth and nail with the despicable republican party then we will have lost the greatest form of self governing the world has ever known and will unlikely be able to retrieve it without a great cost. Think of it this way, if you had sown the hole in your pocket your diamond wouldn't have fallen out of it. So instead of the unlikely attempt to retrace your steps to retrieve it, just sew the pocket! In this metaphor the pocket is your vote so make sure we all get out to vote.
     This isn't that difficult to see in real time. Look to Ukraine where putin told Ukraine do what I say and although you lose your democracy you won't be killed. Well be like Ukraine and tell putin to fuck off and then set about killing his psychotic laden boorishness by fighting tooth and nail. We here in the states don't have it so rough and dangerous like the Ukrainians do currently so make sure you vote as if you were firing a bullet at an invader who is trying to shoot you. Your vote is your bullet for now so no excuses and make sure you have done what you can do to make your ancestors proud of what you have become on this subject of saving democracy.

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