Saturday, September 24, 2022

(#4983) Tyranny is unraveling all over the world

      When the history books are written about this time it will center on Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Joseph Biden. Because of the actions of these two men the nature of our world previous to February 24, 2022 will forever have changed. The fierceness of the Ukrainian people and President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy plus the sheer will of President Joe Biden through NATO will have laid a blueprint for overcoming dictators and tyrants. First never back down from a bully and second fight like your life is at stake. With these twin concepts fully engaged the likes of putin and other tyrants around the world will be neutered if not outright replaced with democratic leaders who want what the west is expressing.
     Power, respect, and decency all combined into one. There is no other form of government that has the rights of its citizens so ingrained into its core and no other form of government can command the righteousness of resolve. All other forms of government are through coercion or hatred. Since they are not principled in honor and the nobility of happiness they cannot succeed when confronted by forces that are. To quote Nathan Hale once again, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." You don't get that mindset from authoritarian or monarchical societies. You only get that mindset from freedom loving patriots of democracy.
     So sensing the unrest in other large nations that are not democratic is the impetus here and although the death throes of tyranny are evident the rattle may last for some time. However the path forward in our evolution as a governing species is that democracy is the only way we all get to be part of finding our happiness while also respecting the happiness of others. A truly wonderful time to be alive but also a dark time as many are dying fighting for this very same democracy or being forcibly led to death by those who oppose democracy. Such is our timeline in human history that bad people can still define the nature of too many lives. Long live democracy and a quick death to all tyrants!

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