Monday, January 1, 2018

Giving instead of taking, the true democratic spirit (#3258)

     I have always found that since I have been a strong person and able to take care of myself for the most part that I could help others who were less able. It is a natural process for me because I have seen what selfishness and greed can do to a person inside. I tried to be that selfish greedy person and all it did was hurt my soul. I realized that by taking instead of giving I was robbing of others who deserved a fair and decent life as well. Yes, we all deserve a fair and decent life! Because my selfish greedy acts took what wasn't fairly mine and therefore made me a thief. I got that! So I quit doing it! I was able to raise my head above the dog eat dog philosophy of republicans and instead embraced the ideal that enough was enough for me.
     I didn't need to keep up with the Joneses or have the greatest best new thing to show off to any who would be envious. I found that I was satisfied with being just an ordinary soul who could wear with confidence and pride hand me downs if that was all I had. I accepted that wealth wasn't my end game. Being a good person was and is to this day. I like who I am. I am not ashamed of myself nor hiding secrets because they would destroy some illusion I have created. I am just me with a goal of being a good person who tries to make life better for all who are around me. I find joy in the simple things in life like keeping up the yard and doing the necessary chores to keep the household somewhat functioning. I don't need to have a private jet to take me to all the glamorous hotspots in the world.
     I am well satisfied with using the talents I have acquired over the lifetime of my existence and occasionally using them to better what is around me. I take pride in writing this blog everyday so that my thoughts and insights have a forum for expression. My animals have my attention and for that they gift me with their love. I could have more in my life and yet may still but for now I am happy that I don't make life worse for others or denigrate life in general. I do no harm as a rule unless that harm is done in defense of an attack by a bully or an arrogant ass! I share what I have so that more than just myself finds peace and a safe harbor. My soul is where all my wealth is accumulated and in that I am although not wealthy in economic means, I am wealthy in the goodness of my heart.

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