Thursday, January 18, 2018

Let's keep telling what trump is destroying (#3275)

     If we use what trump is giving us then we have most of what we need to defeat republicans most everywhere. Some places will defend trump even if he threatened to kill them, so everywhere else we just have to show how trump is destroying the fabric of our nation. We know already that trump tried and failed to take away health care for tens of millions of Americans. We know that he forced passage along party lines of tax break bill for the wealthiest while ignoring the majority of us who will see little help from his giveaway to the wealthy tax law. We know that trump said that the first day of his second term he would go after social security and most likely as well medicare/medicaid. No doubt unemployment, food stamps and welfare will be trimmed or deleted as well. trump calls it entitlement reform but we know it as taking our paid tax dollars for these insurances and rerouting them to either the military or more tax cuts for his wealthy donors.
     No doubt that trump is against equal rights for women and people of color and he is against the Dreamers who were brought here as children but have assimilated nicely into our society. With Nicaragua and Syria now signatories to the Paris Climate Agreement, America is the only country left who is not a signatory because trump pulled us out. Remember, every nation on Earth is for the climate pact except the trump crowd and America by extension. There is so much to run elections against trumps and republican policies that there is little doubt that the building of a blue wave election is a probability. I haven't even underscored the policies that we democrats want if given the power to enact. The long stalled but absolutely necessary Equal Rights Amendment to give women constitutional protections on par with men. The expansion of social security and medicare to fit the changing needs of our population. The reversal of private money in politics so that all elections are public financed to allow for ideas to rise to the top, not a wealthy person's agenda through their wallet.
     The year 2018 is finally here and in less time than we know it there will be special elections and then the midterms to make our case as democrats as to why we need to kick out republicans and elect democrats. We have all the arguments we need and now we need participation by our base. No more skipping elections because we have better things to do. We have nothing better to do than to set our nation back on the footing of democracy where all voices are heard and no discrimination is allowed!

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