Saturday, January 27, 2018

The frailty of the human heart (#3284)

     The emotional aspect of our heart is both magnificent and heartbreaking and everything in between. The physical aspect is one tough organ. Yet it is the emotional aspect that has captured me this morning. It doesn't matter what the cause is except that it is powerful. I am reminded of my own fragility when events like this are occuring. We humans, well at least those of us with a conscience and that can feel empathy are occasioned through life with the joys and the sorrows of circumstances that are no discriminators to whom or when. Life is like that, full of immeasurable hope and crushing despair with all the less than powerful emotional times in between.
     As I think about the best of what has happened to me I am happy that I took the chance to feel the joys that they brought because when the worst of what life brings it gives me some solace that it was worth it. Because my emotional life is a huge component to who I am and how I think. We all have our walk through life and our validating moments when our hearts are filled with such unimaginable happiness and utter emptiness. When we start out in life the moments of happiness seem to be at a premium as opposed to when we are winding down in life the moments of utter emptiness seem to be the prevailing occurrence. I get that and accept that the way we structure our societies it is more often than not the same for all of us who are of a normal nature.
     Accepting it however, especially the times of despair do not weaken the sense of loss or the sense of helplessness. In my little world the things that happen both miraculously and tragically both are overwhelming. For someone to look at my life from the outside they may say that in the big picture my emotions are being felt about such insignificant events. Well and true that is but to me, in my heart, they are as if the world doesn't exist because I had given all of my heart. All of this to say that the frailty of my heart is in evidence today so you can extrapolate out which emotion I am feeling this morning. It may prove otherwise but as a man of evidence, I cannot but feel the logic of what my heart is telling me and no amount of mental jujitsu can bring me to any other conclusion.

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