Friday, January 5, 2018

The end is coming to the despicably manipulative republican party (#3262)

     It isn't amazing to me that republicans use excuses for what they do as long as it fits their narrative. Like the Marijuana controversy. It is a states right issue, which republicans have been wholesale trying to tell us that should be the standard, until it isn't. I had learned over a short period of time long ago that republicans will say or do most anything to achieve their goals. Not the American public's goals but their own special brand of authoritarian, paternalistic goals. They will cheat and steal as well as lie at every turn if it helps them either keep control or gain more of it. The shameful antics of the republican majority senate in not confirming former President Obama's nomination to the supreme court as an example.
     Or the passage of the latest tax overhaul law that had no input from the 48 liberal senators who were shut out of the process. Republicans rammed through this tax bill despite not reading it or understanding the consequences of it. As long as their campaign donors got a tax break that was enough for them. We democrats hold ourselves to a more civilized manner but that doesn't stop republicans from undermining civility and being underhanded to get what they want. This has been going on for decades and it now has come to fruition for republicans through the person of trump, who epitomizes the nefarious intent and debased behavior that republicans have been able to hide until now. Even to the point of colluding with a foreign government who is not an ally to change the fundamentals of our voting process to their favor.
     Well the most important aspect of this is that although the republicans have control, they are inept and uninformed as to how to use it. Make no mistake, all advances over the last century by the working middle poor class are under attack but luckily for us republicans are too uninformed as to how to wield their power more efficiently against us as evidenced by their defeat to dismantle Obamacare. The clock is ticking on them as now in November of this year we go back to the voting booth to have another say as to who our leaders will be. For sure republicans will feel the pain of their attack on us in a way that even their mighty powers of manipulation and propaganda, through theft, lies and cheating will be ineffective and a surge of anti republicanism is about to come crashing down on their selfish greedy heads!

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