Sunday, August 5, 2012

Forward thinking (#1283)

Creating a vision to reach toward. It all starts with each individual having the confidence in their own  goodness to want to see a reflection of it applied to how our future society should form. It has been a little more than a couple of centuries since our country has come into being with many great advances having been made, yet more are needed since we are a country that has yet to find a way to implement a society that truly has equality and fairness at it's core. I am not under any illusion that "a more perfect union" will come about with little effort, on the contrary, much effort and many sacrifices will have to made for us to continue our trend toward a more perfect society. None of us are eager to have to make sacrifices in our lives that seem unfair, however, that will be the only way for us to create a future that represents the ideal that our species must continue to evolve in all ways that give us the maximum capability to live within, understand and explore our existence. We have always been at our best when we work to make life better. That is a fact that runs through the thread of the total human experience. So for each and everyone of us it is important that we develop a picture in our minds of what the future should be. Like our fore-parents who gave from their right to all the happiness they could have had, we also have the same duty to give to our children. We may not achieve what we think is the best future but we must try if it is a worthy expression. I don't necessarily spend as much time in the future as I ought, it seems that most of my real life time is spent in the present and reflecting on the past. Those are helpful to me and how I live my life but there is more to just living my life than what happens to me. I am a human being and nothing will ever change that. Not even the death of me will change that I have been part of the greatest living species known. So what I do while I am alive and what I leave after I am dead are both just as valuable to me.

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