Friday, August 3, 2012

The will to live (#1281)

Despite whatever is thrown at me I have not given in to any temptation to not live. One of the greatest traits within me is to fight and survive with everything I have to remain alive. I am just not predisposed to quitting on my one time life, regardless of how it's destiny is written. I have control over one thing and that is how I think about what my next moment will be like. Granted that some things have some influence, yet they are not the ultimate deciding factors of who I am or what choice I will make, that will always be up to me. Even being contrary to logic and common sense is my choice when oftentimes I feel like others have maneuvered me into just such situations, however, I have as much given away advantages so as not to be manipulated. That best describes my character. I will cast whatever securities or material gains to the wind if I think I am having my strings pulled as if I were a puppet. I had an older friend who used to say to me that if he had only his underwear on and was on the street with nothing else, he would not only be okay but he would build his life back into something to be proud of. That has always stuck with me, along with one other thing he advised, never take short cuts when all you have to do is the hard work necessary to achieve a goal. Those two things have stuck with me as founding principles, mainly because they reflect my own personal ambitions of never quitting on myself and doing things right. Sometimes all we need in life is for someone we respect to help us in some small way for them, but in a huge way to us. Simple words of conviction and action rigorously applied as a constant, can open up a world of possibilities and pathways to happiness. Notice how I didn't say success? Because happiness is my goal, not being successful at the things that may or may not bring me happiness.

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