Thursday, August 9, 2012

Respect is an earned value. (#1287)

The thought that if someone has a forum or platform to promote their point of view automatically qualifies them to be respected is common. I hear many people on the radio and television making intentionally dishonest comments about the events of our day, and yet they continue to get listeners who believe or hang on to their every word as if they are infallible. In some respects, it is a sad commentary on our culture that just because these "talking heads" can be on the radio or television, they automatically should be given respect beyond our own ability to reason for ourselves. Certainly we are a culture that roots for it's home teams in sports and somehow we have equated the same to our political philosophies to the point of excluding logic as a quantifier. When I listen to someone who has a point of view, I filter what they say through my own increasing knowledge base along with the intent of their argument. If I am still unsure, I then dig into legitimate references and citations of fact and policy to verify the points the speaker of whom their point I am considering. If I find a pattern of sensationalism or disinformation, I disqualify these speakers of opinions as having ulterior motives not conducive to my continued understanding of the real issues that need real solutions. I will not be side-tracked by individuals who have an agenda antithetical to objectivity and logical purposeful progress. Neither should anyone else. In some disturbing ways it seems we have delegated our own duty to inform ourselves through diligent research, to others, through convenience. If I parrot what I hear as a strategy to show that I am informed, I have essentially abdicated my intelligence to someone else without fully knowing what I have done. Willingly giving the most precious curious nature I have to someone else so that I don't have to understand what is happening around me. Can you see why I am disturbed by this trend?

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