Saturday, August 4, 2012

Live it more and talk it less (#1282)

Everyone should put their principles on display through action, not just through words. The abstraction of thought as real is less valuable than the actual process of defining your life through real actions. I have found that words are insufficient to reflect real value in life. It is easy to use words to explain how to live but the real and lasting value of principles is in the living of them. A man or woman of few words often are the ones who exemplify the characteristics that instill the highest level of a truly quality life. Those who don't spend their time telling us how to live but instead quietly go about the living of their life with little fanfare, are more than likely, ones who have found that being their principles is more important than telling others to be their principles. I have found that in my own life where I felt the obsession to explain my point of view on core principles as a necessity. What I have learned is that a stubborn individualism for most is strongest when others attempt to reshape it. There are many out there who need to find their core but by trying to force them into a way to find it is more troublesome than just letting them see it in action. As much as I wish a happy life for everyone, I cannot be the noise they hear that tries to tell them where answers may be. I have to live my life like it has the value it really does have and quit worrying about how others think. My life is defined by what I do and doing what I do on a consistent basis is my task. I am only me and others are only themselves, and in that I find the peace that takes me through life. I get to be me without me trying to be them. I get to live my life with the happiness it brings and if ever anyone asks me how I do it then I can try to tell them about putting my values to action before anything else. 

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