Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Newton's law of motion (#1292)

One of Sir Isaac Newton's laws of motion, (paraphrased) {for every action there is an inversely proportional equal reaction} also correspondingly compares to our own personal egoistic calculations turned into action. When we loose our own importance on the world, in the form of activities that positively benefit ourselves, it is then felt by someone else in a negative way. The cost/benefit analysis is an appropriate functioning model of what happens when we prescribe to ourselves greater, than the moderation we ought to have. The concept of unfettered, unshackled, unabridged desire with boundless possibilities, has at it's core a thought process or mindset, that places oneself as immune to reality and consequence. I am all for liberty to be free from the constraints of thought, but not from the consequences of a dirty maelstrom of egoistic thoughts placed into action. There is a price, as in the model of cost/benefit analysis. Nothing is inconsequential or separate from the opposing reaction, any action has produced. There is always a cost to whatever ego's machinations can devise. Some may say, well and good! But I say well and not so good if the thought leads to action that creates unequal benefits for some and devastating costs for others. We, as a species and civilized humanity, have had enough of the manipulations of one over the other to convincingly know the value of whether a cost/benefit is appropriate. When considerations are evaluated to secure a positive from a negative then the calculations of action through inversely proportional reactions can be acceptable. However, the best of what we do together is the defining feature, as opposed to the worst we can do apart. When we can agree that the inverse reaction to an action is less negative and the initial action therefore becomes a greater positive, then we have used Newton's law of motion to our species' greater advantage.

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