Monday, December 24, 2018

A new awareness in America (#3615)

     Unfortunately, yes unfortunately the silver lining to trump being appointed president is that it awoke our citizenry. I say that like it is a bad thing and to me it is. Not the awakening part but the previously asleep part. We have been in the 21st century for almost 19 years now and the fact that we citizens were so disengaged from our own reality is disgusting. All of us are caught up in the capitalism of the day and took for granted our very liberty to do so. Not that being caught up in the capitalism of the day is a good thing either, but the freedom to do so is! I have been saying this for decades, capitalism is not greater than democracy it is only a subset of democracy. Yet it seems that the greed that all too often fuels capitalism is an infectious one and has been the main culprit in leading us to this point.
     The problem is that we Americans find that we have no control over how much we need in our lives. We keep driving to make more money at the expense of our society and the nature of our government. We often mistakenly feel like we are owed for some extra ability we think we have without ever proving it to ourselves let alone anyone else. The fever of greed is a disease like no other except addiction. It encompasses all our thoughts without us being able to look at what we are doing comprehensively. We are in a tunnel with the only light ahead being the next big haul of cash or resource. It is shameful in that most of us have all we would ever need in life but cannot accept that, while those many others around us are barely existing out of sight of our strategically placed view.
     Well the trumps and republicans have exemplified and fostered this type of blind greed and are displaying it for all the world to see now. They are out from under their rocks and shadows and are telling us greed is good at any cost. Well the new awareness as I have likened it is not amused nor entertained by any of that nonsense because no cost is worth the end of our democracy nor the livability of our planet. The awakening is happening all over and the divide between political parties is beginning to shrink for republicans and grow for democrats because most find no harmony in destruction for profit and instead are eager to reestablish a democracy built upon equality, fairness and justice. The trumps are marking the end of republican politics and not a moment too soon for the rest of us!

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